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Cosmic Horror

A member registered Jul 23, 2019

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(sry late reply)

yes, the encrypted word is "OUTSIDE"

and if you looked outside during that event, you would have seen a good friend of yours ;3

i had the same problem,

Were you using a Youtube to mp3 converter? i just converted the videos using a different site and and the new files were playing correctly

make sure to place a radioactive capsule in front of the door so the meat man doesnt escape

there might be a few things that'll startle you, but otherwise there's no in your face screamers

...except in the tutorial, there's a secret ledge you can find and climb up for an easter-egg jumpscare, but its out of the way and easily avoidable

It seems like they only fade when you put the drawing in your inventory, still sucks but you can avoid making it fade

honestly, yeah, MREs shouldn't spoil, thats like their whole thing irl

Yeah, buy the "item box" (bottom of the essentials tab in the newest update) put whatever items you want to sell inside of it, and send it off the same way you would with the drive boxes

(Items are sold at 75% the value you bought them at)

You gotta put ingredients (garbage) onto the workbench in the garage and "use" the workbenches surface

There's no point to it yet though, bc the scraps aren't useful for anything that I know of and selling them in the item box barely gives you any money

Nah, what this game needs is several gmod png jump scares that pop up in the bases hallway

Now *that's* real horror

I advise buying a beacon in the shop and leaving it at your base! It'll give you a little blip while you're on the ATV and you'll get home easier vehicle

alt+r, it tells you this in the tutorial and help menu

>Not being able to gently drop held items makes handling anything fragile a pain for no good reason, and your only option is to ragdoll carefully, while hoping physics stank doesn't destroy it and/or you.

you can, pressing alt+r gently places down the held item, it tells you this in the tutorial

You're not at the right sattellite,

If the email tells you to go to satellite bravo, you go to satellite bravo and get the hashcode,

You can't do this a the bases terminal

Drive the atv to the satellite Dr.bou tells you to get the hashcode from


You should now have the hashcode

(3 edits)

yup, alt+r

you can find other hotkeys in the pause menu too

edit: just R, got confused

None of that is canon in game? They literally have zero personality in the actual game what are you talking about

While "goop" is a bit of a weird idea, I think the idea of experimenting with objects should be looked into more

It feels like drnose headed a bit in that direction with the water pool & microwave, but I'd like to see more items interact with them

[Spoiler Examples]

What if something happened if you dunked those alien brownies into water? Maybe they dissolve? 

What if there was a way to open those soda cans you find at the picnic?

What if microwaving the ariral gun charged it back up finally allowing you to fire it?

Dr.Kel is a trained professional damnit!!!

its a random event

just keep waiting, for me the event ended around 1:30 the next morning

Insert mesh files into the printer's appdata folder like you do custom pictures, there's a more detailed guide in the "help" menu on the pause screen

Protip for you guys as it took me a bit to figure out:

You can target the transformers the same way you target the servers [i.e. tr_1]

you can still interact with stuff the old way, the hotkeys are changed slightly but its gone over in the tutorial

yeah you did the tutorial correctly, you gotta quit at the end

Its a bit confusing, but normal, the scientists will say that whenever you send them level 0 drives. don't worry though, you still get credit for them

None of the emails from the scientists actually mean anything other than the daily tasks email and the one that tells you how many credits you earned, so feel free to ignore them

That fixed the issue, thanks 🙏🙏🙏

im attempting to use a custom sprite that has a black outline around it, but when i use it in the app the outline gets removed and it looks weird. anyone else have this issue?

You can only open/close the garage from the inside, there's a button on the wall to the right